
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Increasing the Depth

Well so much for quantity, I think I've posted less since that bold statement. It's been a great week although their have been times when I've felt more than a little overwhelmed by all the things that are going on around me, a number of which I have a degree of responsibility for.

Good to catch up with Andrew Wallis at Heathrow, although the trip across a security conscious London to get there was even slower than usual. Trains seem to be regularly cancelled and delayed at the moment. We definitely agree that the way forward in terms of our network involvement is going to be more relational beer and fine wine times.

There was one of those heaven touching earth moments before Holy Space when I arrived at the pub first on Sunday morning and was chatting to Ian the manager. He said "Simon I need to ask you something." I thought he was going to ask us to find a new venue but rather he asked us to pray for a friend of his Katy whose been seriously injured in a traffic accident. We prayed together and later as a group for her, it was a powerful morning.

Today I took some time out to read, reflect and chat. I read this great quote from Eugene Peterson
“Being the kind of pastor that satisfies a congregation is one of the easiest jobs on the face of the earth – if we are satisfied with satisfying congregations. The hours are good, the pay is adequate, the prestige is considerable. (OK so maybe that's an American thing)Why don’t we find it easy? Why aren’t we content with it? Because we set out to do something quite different. We set out to risk our lives in a venture of faith. We committed ourselves to a life of holiness.” “Most of the people we deal with most of the time are dominated by a sense of self, not a sense of God.”

I want to be dominated by a sense of God - don't you?


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