
Thursday, February 12, 2004

Retreating and Returning

The start of the week was spent in Suffolk with my colleagues from St.B's. It was a great time and there are a selection of photos linked below. It's a priviledge to work with a group of people who are Godly and yet very real.

We enjoyed a few pints of Mole Trap and Adnams at the the Crown Inn. (They're real beers Eric, not like that Miller lite stuff..) We laughed a lot and we prayed for each other and for North London.

Personally I was given some really encouraging words about leadership which I see more and more as being about the facilitation of others rather than the elevation of self (unfortunately self still gets in the way a lot). God also spoke to me through a wall that had mostly fallen down(it's pictured if your interested). I found myself wondering if the remaining bit represented the righteous remnant of God's people standing against the failing world, but the impression I think I got from God was that he'd knocked the wall down, and was keen for us to create churches without walls, rather than holding failing ones up.

This evening I met with the Thailand team. At fairly short notice I've got a team of 8 together to head out to Thailand for ten days to build a church. We've got some friends working with a community six hours north of Bangkok and they want some help building a church that literally has no walls. It will provide shade in the summer and shelter in the rainy season and a place for the children who they're working with to hang out after school. We go on the 25th Feb, and I'm sure it will be an adventure, that challenges me in ways that I'm not anticipating. It's a great team and pictures and thoughts will follow.


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