Values shapeth the future
Just spent 24 hours at The Hayes Conference centre near Derby with our form students, and the other centres from around the UK. It was great to see 50 young men and women who want to see more of God in their lives and are doing something about it. Always good as well to catch up with some old friends and meet some new ones.
I'm trying to work out what our "church plant" might look like, and am trying to ensure that the values shape the structure rather than the other way round. So far a few of the values that we've written down (mainly nicked from others) are:-
We are committed to reaching our generation and those following (and those ahead) with the good news of Jesus. We believe that the church does not simply stand with the gospel in its missionary approach to culture. Rather the gospel incites conversation with both the culture and church simultaneously. In other words our missiology should shape ecclesiology, not vice versa.
Empowerment is one of those overused words of the moment, however we do believe that leadership should look to encourage every member ministry in action not just word. The team leader should be a facilitator who is looking to equip and encourage the individual gifts of team members.
We’re committed to helping each other and those that we lead to become better equipped disciples in the 21st century. We take the issues that they’re facing seriously and believe that the gospel brings a relevant challenge to our culture. If it’s not relevant it will not be heard and if there is no challenge it will bring no change.
We believe the creation of community is more important than the style of programme, although the form and content of the programme are very important to build the community.
We believe worship should among other things be God centred, passionate, honest and creative. We are grateful for the worship styles that have and continue to feed our own personal and corporate spirituality, but we never want to settle for style over substance and believe that there is more to discover about the worship of God.
We believe passionately in the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit in our own lives and communities. We believe that the healing and freedom that He can bring is essential for our peers. We also believe that the work of the Spirit will lead to action, bringing good news to the poor.
Ministry to the Poor is not an option and it is not something that should be done to the poor, our church should be inclusive of the poor, while providing practical opportunities at home and overseas for members to serve the poor.
Well there's a few thoughts let me know what you think...I've also picked up some info about post-intentionality from Gromit apparently there might be a forum in Vancouver next summer sounds like a good excuse for a holiday to me...
Just spent 24 hours at The Hayes Conference centre near Derby with our form students, and the other centres from around the UK. It was great to see 50 young men and women who want to see more of God in their lives and are doing something about it. Always good as well to catch up with some old friends and meet some new ones.
I'm trying to work out what our "church plant" might look like, and am trying to ensure that the values shape the structure rather than the other way round. So far a few of the values that we've written down (mainly nicked from others) are:-
We are committed to reaching our generation and those following (and those ahead) with the good news of Jesus. We believe that the church does not simply stand with the gospel in its missionary approach to culture. Rather the gospel incites conversation with both the culture and church simultaneously. In other words our missiology should shape ecclesiology, not vice versa.
Empowerment is one of those overused words of the moment, however we do believe that leadership should look to encourage every member ministry in action not just word. The team leader should be a facilitator who is looking to equip and encourage the individual gifts of team members.
We’re committed to helping each other and those that we lead to become better equipped disciples in the 21st century. We take the issues that they’re facing seriously and believe that the gospel brings a relevant challenge to our culture. If it’s not relevant it will not be heard and if there is no challenge it will bring no change.
We believe the creation of community is more important than the style of programme, although the form and content of the programme are very important to build the community.
We believe worship should among other things be God centred, passionate, honest and creative. We are grateful for the worship styles that have and continue to feed our own personal and corporate spirituality, but we never want to settle for style over substance and believe that there is more to discover about the worship of God.
We believe passionately in the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit in our own lives and communities. We believe that the healing and freedom that He can bring is essential for our peers. We also believe that the work of the Spirit will lead to action, bringing good news to the poor.
Ministry to the Poor is not an option and it is not something that should be done to the poor, our church should be inclusive of the poor, while providing practical opportunities at home and overseas for members to serve the poor.
Well there's a few thoughts let me know what you think...I've also picked up some info about post-intentionality from Gromit apparently there might be a forum in Vancouver next summer sounds like a good excuse for a holiday to me...
Looks good friend... sounds to me like you've managed to put on paper some of the instinctive values of too. I really recommend you read "The Gospel Driven church" by Ian Stackhouse - a challenging read that will help you navigate some of the challenges of making this happen.
See you Tuesday
The Johnsons, at 10:00 AM
To quote Darth Vader "IMPRESSIVE!"
only one question - Is "shapeth" really a word?
Roy, at 9:46 PM
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