Paperless advert calendar
bok.paperlesschristmas | 2007
Labels: adventcalendar
Labels: adventcalendar
Thanks to the kindness of some friends I got to take the boys to see Arsenal v Wigan on Saturday. It was a great occasion it was our first trip to the stadium and it is magnificent, the atmosphere great and while it wasn't the best performance of Arsenal's season, they don't do bad football. While they took a while to come two goals towards the end were the icing on the cake!
Blogged with Flock
Labels: flock
Spent bank holiday weekend destroying an air raid shelter in our garden. It was designed to be bombproof and put up a great fight. We had some good father son bonding times with sledge hammers and pick axes. We also made a new friend in as a robin enjoyed the rich pickings we were unearthing. He became increasingly tame over the weekend to the point where he took food from our hands you can see him flying in from the right if you look carefully.