
Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Well only a week since the last post, can't be bad. Life's been a bit crazy lately with a major kitchen refit going on at home. When I've had time to think I've kept coming back to some of those things that I heard and thought while at the New Wine Em Gen conference and back home at Holy Space.

Community is definitely the word of the moment, and I'm still grappling with what authentic community looks like in North London. (And probably will continue to grapple for some time.) I've just read an article about the Church of the Saviour in Washington. Gordon Cosby who founded the Church in 1947 and is well into his 80's some great insights into community, he believes that,

“Our task is to be so deeply and intimately connected with Christ that the world will experience the resurrected Christ – the newness God intends – whenever it touches our corporate life.”

From the earliest days of the church a core assumption has been that the greatest impact on the world comes about by small highly committed and disciplined communities of people focussed on outward mission, inward transformation and loving accountable community.

The challenges of outward mission, inward transformation and accountable community are huge and yet exciting, more to come.....

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Well here we go, I'm fairly new to this game but I'm going to try to blog reasonably regularly to chart life and record thoughts. (Although my track record on keeping a journal or diary is completely rubbish so this may be my first and last post.)

First a bit about me, just in case your interested. I'm married to Sue and have two boys, Thomas and Luke, I live in North London and I'm on the staff of a large Anglican church. I used to be the youthworker, but now facilitate what we call the Emerging Generation or Emerging Church or whatever you want to call those who are exploring what it means to be followers of Jesus in the 21st century.

I got ordained in July 2003, and am really keen to be part of a church that really engages with issues of community, worship and mission in ways that provide a "relevant challenge" to our culture.

I've started blogging 'cos I recently spent a weekend with an amazing couple called Kevin and Tracy Rains from Cincinnatti, and love his blog.

That'll do for now, more another time (maybe.)

Monday, January 19, 2004

Hi my name is Simon Kirby and this is my first test blog